Namoh Raamakrishna, Raamakrishna, Krishnaraama chandraaya
Salutations to Raamakrishna, Krishna and Raama together
Namoh Krishnaraama chandraaya namoh Raamakrishna devaaya
Salutations to Krishna Raama , Salutations to Lord Raamakrishna
Namo juga abataara namoh, swarba debo debaaya.
Salutations to the avatar of this age, to all the gods
Namoh Sarba dharma samanayo, sarba vaabo rakshayao.
Salutations to the unifier of all faiths, purveyor of all realizations.
Jaya Maa
Jaya Maa Jaya Maa, Jaya Maa Jaya Maa.
Victory to the Mother, Victory to the Mother.
Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare
Hare Hare Raama Hare Raama Raama Raama Hare Hare.